
We have the following strategic objectives:


Satisfy our customers’ demands to the máximum by offering high-quality products and services.


Achieve continuous improvement in both the quality and productivity in our services and products.


Promote the formation, awareness and participation of the whole company to prevent problems and improve the work quality.

Ecrimesa Group is certified as follows:

EN 9100:2018

Aviation and defence.





AD2000 Merkblatt W0

For melting machines working under pressure.


Heat treatments.

Continuous improvement, led by the company management and implemented in all areas.

We are conscious that our strategic objectives can only be achieved with the collaboration of our greatest asset: our staff.

This is why we started to implement a System for Continuous Improvement in the whole company ten years ago.

We offer formation to all teams on all levels. Technical courses for technological profiles as well as management skills, leadership and digitization to foster personal competences.

Calidad Mejora continua

Continuous improvement is a reality, applied in all contexts:

Improve the implication of people in improvement processes.

Improve the polivalence in all company locations.

Create an agile and simple system for data registration, as well as manuals based on indicators and objectives that reflect the state of activity in a given area.

Create a structured and standardized communication model that safeguards the participation of all workers in the process of improvement.

Establish habits to focus on objectives, efficient meetings, compliance etc.

Work in a standardized manner, with defined operative methods and their objectives for quality, cost, and staff required.

Increase productivity of processes.

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